After having 13 puppies I was tired, tired, tired. I knew that I had to take care of my pups like a good mama and was happy to have Carrie and Lu there to help me out.

This is important so that the pups get comfortable with having people handle them so when they do start training at 7 weeks they are comfortable with there human trainers.
Carrie, aka my midwife , spent lots of time with me and my pups. She would touch their ears and their feet and their toes to get them use to having them touched.
With the pups eyes open they start to become more active. Phewww they keep me on my toes!
Shortly after my pups eyes are open they get their first experience wearing a service dog vest. They are very proud of them! (Even is they are made out of soft felt )
Until next time this is Mama Shiloh signing off!